I am Sellirina (or Selli for short). I am a Canadian-American independent VTuber. I am a verity streamer on Twitch with a focus on cozy games. I yield a friendly, engaging, and calm environment for those who enjoy more relaxed content. I play Genshin Impact or Infinity Nikki, Final Fantasy XIV, and Star Stable Online on weekdays, with weekends focusing on experiencing games new to me.I am a ballerina from an over 130 year old music box brought to life. Most of my streams take place inside of my music box with my dust bunnies to keep me company. I am able to venture outside of my music box and engage with others, I can even make myself human-sized. I love to go on new adventures and have fun! However I must keep my music box close and safe or I will turn back into a tiny doll.
Social Media Links
About Me
Name Sellirina (Selli)
Zodiac Scorpio
Height 2in (5.08cm) Music Box
Height 5ft 2in (158cm) Human
Pronouns She/Her
Birthdate October 24 1892
Eye Color Warm Grey
Language English
Timezone Eastern Time
Hair Color Strawberry Blonde
Energy ● ● ○ ○ ○
Cursing ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Memory ● ● ● ○ ○
Warmth ● ● ● ● ●
Kindness ● ● ● ● ○
Lewdness ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Dramatics ● ● ○ ○ ○
Weirdness ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Enthusiasm ● ● ● ● ○
Talkativeness ● ● ● ● ○
Awkwardness ● ● ● ● ○
Wholesomeness ● ● ● ● ●
Mischievousness ● ● ○ ○ ○
Character Lore
The 1800's were wonderful years for the art of ballet. Many of the great ballets that are still performed today debuted, fell, and rose within that century. The turn of the 19th century saw ballet grow in popularity and prestige, helping to cement the practice as it is today as one of great art, skill, discipline, and athletics.Music boxes, on the other hand, have been around since the 1770's, influenced by the gears of clocks and the joy of music. The tiny decorative boxes have not changed much in modern times, compared to when they were first invented and refined.It is unclear when tiny ballerina figures started to make their home in music boxes, but we do know that on October 24th of 1892 a loving father completed work on a decorative music box for his daughter.His daughter loved ballet, often peeking around the theater on her walks to and from school. Earning her many scoldings from her teachers for her tardiness and staff of the theater for her nosiness. Though they could not afford to visit the ballet often, her father tried to set aside enough money every year to enjoy a performance for the girl's birthday.What better way to celebrate something his daughter loved so dear than a tiny ballet of her own? The father was skilled with clocks, familiar with music boxes, and with the help of fellow artisan friends a music box fashioned of wood, metal, and porcelain was created and gifted to the young girl for Christmas that year.Sellirina is what the girl had decided to name the tiny ballerina within her music box. Every morning she would wind the box and dance around her room, listening to the tinny tune as she readied herself for the day. Some nights she would even have the box lull her sleep, though her mother put a stop to that once her baby brother was born.One morning, the girl did not wind the music box. She readied herself for school in a fog, fumbling with her dresser, her buttons, and her own feet. She left for school late and arrived home early. She rested in her bed, her parents fretting as the doctor checked her, shaking his head they left the room... she lay there for only a few short days before a fever took her final breathes away.Sellirina was gifted to her younger brother, to remember a sister he barely knew. He gifted the music box to his own daughter, a lover of song and piano. From her daughter Sellirina was passed to another daughter, and another, and then another. Many hands and homes did she pass through. Her tiny home and metallic tune had become a family heirloom for a family who no longer remembered the girl from 1892.An old woman held the box in her hands. Tenderly, shakily, her slender hands wound the key on the bottom of the music box. Around, and around, and around. A single note rang out, a loud click, and then... nothing. The antique music box had seized. Back onto the fireplace mantel the music box went. A trip to repair shop was a problem for another day.But that day never came.The woman forgot. She forgot about a lot of things, sure. She forgot the weather, she forgot her keys, sometimes she forgot to take her medication. This was different. She forgot the stove was on, she forgot her grandchildren, she forgot so many things she had to move away somewhere else. Somewhere safe. Her items were packed up, tucked away in the attic of one of her children... forgotten.How many years had it been? How many years since Sellirina was left in this attic? How many years since she was able to dance? How many years since her original owner? 25? 50? 100? She did not know.Darkness embraced her like a cool blanket. Pulling her mind away from the attic, somewhere quiet where her thoughts did not race. The forgotten soul tucked within the ballerina of a music box wept. How much she desired happiness, a home, a family, to hear laughter, and to experience joy. The delight of life that was never hers to have, but one she witnessed taken away too soon.Perhaps it was just not meant to be...The room was flooded with light. An ethereal woman had appeared, she was so radiant that she glowed like a brilliant star. She scooped the music box out of the cardboard box it had been resting in, brushing off a layer of dust she gently pressed her lips to the cool metal of the lid. A soft glow enveloped the music box, growing in strength until it too was as bright as the woman. When the glow subsided, she opened the lid where the tiny ballerina sat, wide-eyed and bewildered."I have heard your wish, Sellirina." The woman said softly, her voice wispy like a flickering candle. "The curtain has not yet fallen, your story is far from over."The little ballerina said nothing. She buried her face in her tiny hands and began to weep, overcome with a turbulence of feelings. Happiness, hope, excitement, and fear. After a moment she finally squeaked out a, "Thank you.""My little swan," The woman smiled sympathetically. "The world is a big place for one so small. Your music box will be safe, keep it with you always. The gears may be working now, but they are your heart and they will seize forevermore without you."Sellirina nodded, wiping away the last of the tears rolling down her cheeks.The woman pointed to the tiny opal stone fastened to a thin golden chain around Sellirina's neck. "Wishes made with good intentions and a clear mind will be granted to you," The woman winked. "Within reason.""Within reason?""Wish to grow," The woman said, setting the music box down on the floor gently. "I wish to see you properly."Holding the necklace delicately between her palms, Sellirina pressed her hands together. Her eyes closed as the wish to be human echoed inside her mind. A tiny breeze escaped her fingers and brushed against her skin like a kiss. She let out the breath she had been holding and opened her eyes. The woman stood above her, just not as towering as she had been moments ago.The woman smiled brightly, placing the music box into Sellirina's hands. "Wish for whatever you need and you shall have it. Wish for wings to fly away if that is what you desire."The ballerina did not return her smile, her gaze was serious and sad. "Why me?" She asked. "What did I do to deserve any of this?""I have been looking for you," The woman whispered. "Since the moment I took my last breath I have heard your heartache. You continued to smile and dance, but I could hear your heart shattering into pieces. You kept going until you couldn't any longer. You never forgot me and I never forgot you. I wanted to find a way to help you. I want you to be free.""Don't leave me again," Sellirina pleaded. "Don't abandon me.""You will never be alone again, that I can promise you." The woman said, caressing Sellirina's cheek with the backs of her fingers. "Others will love you the way I have loved you. You are free from me. Free from this family.""Come with me," Sellirina pleaded again, grabbing the woman's hand. "Please."The woman shook her head, backing out of Sellirina's reach, the room was starting to dim. "Your wishes aren't the only ones I have to grant."Sellirina opened her mouth to scream the woman's name, but before any sound could escape her lips the room was plunged back into the cruel and cold darkness she was all too familiar with.In frustration, Sellirina hurled the music box across the room. The moment the box connected with the floor a sharp pain shot through her. She crumpled to the floor, gasping for air as she clutched her chest, her heart fluttering wildly beneath her skin. Air swirled around her aggressively as she rapidly shrank to her original size. Her limbs felt heavy and stiff, as if she was turning back into metal.Your music box will be safe, keep it with you always. The gears may be working now, but they are your heart and they will seize forevermore without you.Sellirina scrambled to her feet, sprinting in the darkness toward the direction she had flung the music box. She wished desperately to find her way home. Responding to her request, the necklace tugged against her neck and she followed it until her hands collided with the metal feet of the box. She followed along the edge of the box until her hands found the keyhole and eventually the lid. She hurried inside, closing and locking the lid behind her.Immediately the stiffness and pain subsided. She placed a hand over her breast where her heart beat was calm, like the steady ticking of a clock. Even her breathing had calmed despite the absolute panic she was still feeling as her thoughts raced through her head. Tears flowing wildly down her cheeks as her lips were painted into a smile.I may be alive, but I am not free.
Character References
Concept Art

Art by MaeAlgae
Live 2D Model

VTuber Model by VTanjo
Wings by MallieSprout

Model by Suiika
3D Model

Model by Alqmia